Education Matters Group – Tip of the Week 2019/20 – Making a Difference Matters!

Makes a Difference
There is a saying, “With great power, comes great responsibility”. As a teacher, you need to be aware and remember the great responsibility that comes with your profession. One of your goals ought to be: Make a difference in their lives. How? Make them feel special, safe and secure when they are in your classroom. Be the positive influence in their lives. Why? You never know what your students went through before entering your classroom on a particular day or what conditions they are going home to after your class. So, just in case they are not getting enough support from home, at least you will make a difference and provide that to them.
Read below for our tip of the week on how “Making a Difference Matters” –Follow us on #EMGtipoftheweek #EMG for weekly tips.