Read More EMG Quote of the Week – Think of this next time you get irritated by a question!

Ever heard that saying, no question is a dumb question? Yet how many times have you seen parents or teachers get frustrated by the same questions asked over and over again? The reality is that in our own humanity we do sometimes react to situations and possibly overreact to sometimes a really valid question, but maybe some poor timing.
Having students question their learning and be free to ask questions is critical to building an environment that is safe for taking risks. People don’t want to look silly, so it’s important to build an environment that allows and encourages risks. This is how knowledge is built. In a world where critical thinking skills are paramount, teaching our students from a young age to question, analyse and pull apart their learning will allow them to be much more active and responsive to their learning. This will build citizens that are making a difference.
For more quotes of the week, keep an eye on #EMG_Quoteoftheweek!
Written by Michael Dunn – EMG Consultant and Primary Teacher