World Mental Health Day 2018

At Education Matters we see education as central and pivotal to changing the way people think about particular stereotypes – mental health being one of those.
Statistically 1 in 4 men and 1 in 3 women will suffer from some form of mental health throughout their lifetime. Fact is though, these stats are slightly outdated. The truth is we all some form of mental health – actually much more commonly know as well being. What tends to happen though is we stick a label to something and if that label is not interpreted as positive, this is where perceptions of weakness can appear.
Truth is we all have some form of mental health. Mental health is not like catching a disease (i.e. you have it or you don’t). Actually we are all on a continuum of mental health. For some, managing this with medication and help is a form of strength, not weakness. Just like when we are sick physically, sometimes people need some help either with their thoughts, situations and the impact of this to their thoughts or with some physiological reason (e.g. chemical imbalance). The moment we don’t pay attention to this as a real issue, this is when people are affected in even greater numbers.
Chances are you have known someone who has struggled with their mental health. Perhaps you have as well. Actually, it is okay to not be okay some of the time. We are very perceptive most of the time. The challenge is to ask if people are okay, not necessarily to solve every problem, but to simply help someone with their journey. It is absolutely okay not to be okay some of the time.
Below is a clip from the SUMO Guy, Paul McGee, where he talks about work life balance being a myth. For our candidates and ourselves, we recognise this may be quite insightful and helpful to them dealing with the chaos of schools at times.
Please like and share to get the message that everyone has some form of mental health and that it’s okay to be not okay some of the time.
#Educationmatters #EMG #WorldMentalHealthDay #RUok #itsokaynottobeokay #yourhealthmatters