EMG Quote of the Week – One Final Thought

The power of questioning and seeing possibilities is where students will break through to discover their love of learning. Like everyone, students are generally not okay with being uncomfortable or being stretched. It feels uneasy. People like feeling safe- however there is a huge difference between safe and comfortable. Most tend to confuse the two. Safety is something that our students need to be taught and rewired to think about in different ways. There is safety in learning and discovering when mistakes are not seen as bad things, rather opportunities to learn. There is safety when a child learns that discovery learning often means you won’t get it all correct – actually you’ll discover what works and what doesn’t work. Students need to be trained in this though, and it takes time. Especially for your students that are perfectionists. Unsettling their minds will teach them to discover the possibilities. The disclaimer is that it needs to be in a place where it is safe not necessarily comfortable.
For more quotes of the week, keep an eye on #EMG_Quoteoftheweek!Written by Michael Dunn – EMG Consultant and Primary Teacher