EMG Quote of the Week – The Modern Educator

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CS Lewis wrote quite a few different texts including the Narnia series as well as The Problem of Pain, Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters. Central to the theme of his writing in many cases was that people are ultimately good although bad things tend to happen, because of the desire to drift off course. This particular quote highlights the importance of seeing the good in our students and seeing potential. Not many would look at a desert and see potential. However, when we change our perspective  and focus on the things that matter, we are able to view the subject in a totally different light. We focus on building others up, rather than cutting them down. We focus on what they can do, rather than telling them all that is wrong with them. The image of a desert and put with water actually speaks to how significant speaking life is in this situation. Water in a desert situation is a precious commodity – it’s needed to survive. In the same way, in a learning environment, giving students hope, confidence, encouragement and vision for how they are growing personally and also academically is a huge responsibility. Seeing the good in our students should be key to how we operate – for some of our students will come from very different backgrounds and this may be the only opportunity they have to have life spoken into them. Whilst keeping them disciplined, the level of respect and commitment to seeing good is important for students to become successful lifelong learners and people. Your words are important – don’t waste them!

Here’s the challenge – How are you speaking life into your students? Do you see your words as important, powerful and a positive influence for students?


For more quotes of the week, keep an eye on #EMG_Quoteoftheweek!

Written by Michael Dunn – EMG Consultant and Primary Teacher

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