Quote of the Week 2019/20 – Inspiring Stuff

Quote Social Media Graphic - 37. William A Ward

The word inspire in Ancient Greek is literally translated to mean to breathe life. An inspiring teacher is a breath of fresh air. They speak life into their students and open their eyes to see opportunities, not barriers. As a teacher our role is so much more than just teaching students just the academics. It is teaching them to believe in themselves. It’s teaching them to see opportunities available to them. It’s teaching them to succeed, even if it is in the small things. Why? Because teachers will be remembered not necessarily for what they taught a student, but how they made them feel. In the moments where they helped a student navigate a challenge, where they encouraged them to see past an obstacle, in a moment where they breathed life into their world by a word or action of encouragement. Students remember when they are made to feel special and when they are noticed for how they are and the potential they have. 

For more quotes of the week, keep an eye on #EMG_Quoteoftheweek!Written by Michael Dunn – EMG Consultant and Primary Teacher

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