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Education Matters Group – Tip of the Week 2019/20- Risk Taking Matters
There is a wise saying that reads, “Those who go just a little bit too far are the ones who know just how far one can go.” Risk-taking is a part of the successful formula. Your students need to see you try new things in the classroom and they will watch closely how you handle…

Quote of the Week 2019/20 – For when it feels like you’re just not getting through to anybody!
After leaving roles or passing a group of students to the next teacher, we often never know the impact of what we said and taught the students we had for that period of time. I was lucky enough to get an email from a previous parent whose daughter I taught for two years, when she…

Education Matters Group – Tip of the Week 2019/20 – Keeping it Real Matters
Authenticity means a lot. Students can often read between the lines of what their teachers are saying. So how do we stay positive and keep it real at the same time? Read below for our tip of the week on how “Keeping it Real Matters” – Follow us on #EMGtipoftheweek #EMG for weekly tips.

Quote of the Week 2019/20 – The gift that keeps on giving…
What a wonderful gift it is to be able to be present when a child gets something that you’ve taught them! The lightbulb moment! The beauty is that it builds upon itself. Learning is something that never stops. As teachers we need to be able to model this to our students- that we too are…

Education Matters Group – Tip of the Week 2019/20 – Humour Matters
They say laughter is good for the soul. It is also good for the classroom. Students need to be able to enjoy the classroom and humour is a great way for you to be relatable. There are some golden rules though that need to be thought of for the use of humour – making sure…

Education Matters Group – Tip of the Week 2019/20 – Positivity Matters
Positivity is important in a school. If we can’t look for positives in all situations, then it is a very tough road. Ultimately we should be making all paths as smooth as possible and as positive as possible. Read below for our tip of the week on how “Positivity Matters” – Follow us on #EMGtipoftheweek #EMG…

Quote of the Week 2019/20 – Think of this next time you get irritated by a question!
Ever heard that saying, no question is a dumb question? Yet how many times have you seen parents or teachers get frustrated by the same questions asked over and over again? The reality is that in our own humanity we do sometimes react to situations and possibly overreact to sometimes a really valid question, but…

Quote of the Week 2019/20 – A new way of looking at your job!
This week many will return to work and to school after the holidays have passed us by. With this, there will elements of nerves, possibly fear, hopefully together with some elements of excitement to what the year ahead will bring. The question is that in the first week, how are you going to awaken each…

Education Matters Group – Tip of the Week 2019/20 – Discernment Matters
Discernment – the art of knowing when to ignore and when to pay attention. How do you manage your time and efforts in a way that encourages students to take ownership of their learning but also provides a level of support and encouragement, highlighting strengths to students? Read below for our tip of the week…

Education Matters Group – Tip of the Week 2019/20 – Assessment Matters
How do you know if you are doing the things that matter in terms of assessment?? How do you make sure you are assessing the right things without burning yourself out? Read below for our tip of the week on how “Assessment Matters” – Follow us on #EMGtipoftheweek #EMG for weekly tips.