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Remembrance Day 2018
As we approach Remembrance Sunday, which marks 100 years from the end of World War I, we pause to remember those who have served or currently are actively serving either on Domestic or Foreign soil. We acknowledge those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect the freedoms we have today. Quite simply we say…

EMG Tip of the Week – Risk Taking Matters
There is a wise saying that reads, “Those who go just a little bit too far are the ones who know just how far one can go.” Risk-taking is a part of the successful formula. Your students need to see you try new things in the classroom and they will watch closely how you handle…

EMG Tip of the Week – Keeping it Real Matters
Authenticity means a lot. Students can often read between the lines of what their teachers are saying. So how do we stay positive and keep it real at the same time? Read below for our tip of the week on how “Keeping it Real Matters” – Follow us on #EMGtipoftheweek #EMG for weekly tips.

Happy Diwali 2018
Happy Diwali 2018 to our candidates and clients! Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights, which symbolises the victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance. #EMG #EducationMatters #Diwali

Remember Remember the 5th of November! Guy Fawkes Day!
Remember Remember the 5th of November. Every year people gather around in early November to celebrate Bonfire Night across the UK. There are firework displays in public parks across the country and people light bonfires with an effigy to represent historical figure Guy Fawkes. This quintessentially British activity each year refers to an event which could have…

EMG Quote of the Week – The recipe for a good lesson
There are times in lessons that we need to direct children and there are times when we need to give them a challenge or a chance to explore themselves. Joyce Meyer was on the money with this particular quote. With the Gradual Release of Responsibility model, students are modelling the skills or processes needed…

EMG New Addition to the Team
Welcome to our new team member Leontine Fabri. She will be servicing the North West of London. The EMG team are excited to welcome you on board and look forward to your contribution to the team going forward. #EMG #Consultants_Matter

EMG Quote of the Week – Lessons in life from a 16 year old
Anne Frank’s story was one that was well documented in history. The diary that she wrote her story in was given to her as a 13th birthday present. Here she documented the next 2 years of her life, living in hiding whilst the Netherlands was under Nazi occupation. She wrote 2 diaries and after hearing…

Have You Seen this – Dispatches – Baby Banks and Little Village
For the last couple of months Little Village has been working with Dispatches – Channel 4 to put together a programme about the rise of baby banks across the UK. You can watch it tonight at 8pm on Channel 4. 35,000 families have used a service like Little Village this year alone. Little Village have responded to…

Happy Half Term – Are you looking for a January Role?
Have you reached half term and not liking your current situation? Are you looking for a role for January? Considering your options? Call us for a confidential chat about possible options for you for the new year and for the end of 2018. Whether you are a TA, Teacher or support staff, we work with…